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Writer's pictureAna Botea

Planning - magazine design and layout

Updated: Mar 17, 2021

As Ilinca and I discussed, we wanted to incorporate what we analysed in the magazine analysis into our magazine design but while also keeping our originality and making something unique. The analysis helped us in understanding what is required from a magazine and what we should add into our own but in our original way.

Therefore, we started off with some sketches in order to get to the masthead, table of contents, front page and double spread that we wanted. We knew that we wanted something simple, but at first weren't sure what, so therefore we experimented with different fonts until we got to the final one.


The part that took the most was the masthead. After several hours of thinking and sketching, Ilinca and I unknowingly did the same masthead design and then showed it to each other. When we saw the fact that it was the same, we decided to keep it; as it not only expressed simplicity but also our combined idea and uniqueness. As discussed, here are the sketches that we did:

We wanted our front cover page to be simple yet expressive. Therefore, we decided on not adding too many cover lines and just sticking to something simple: the masthead, the dateline and the one cover-line which presents each of our issue's titles. The font used in our cover-line will be italic handwriting, while only the corresponding word to the title will be clearly written in Arial or a similar font. So basically, something like: the "CONFIDENCE" issue.

Final masthead made digitally:

Here are some photos of us designing the masthead:

We used Adobe Illustrator in order to get the final version.


As for the table of contents, we both were already knew what we wanted in terms of structure and had a similar general idea, so it was easy to create a layout that we both agreed on and felt comfortable with. I personally really like the layout that we came up with and feel like it emphasises the simple aesthetic that we want to go for. Of course, we started off with a few general ideas of what we wanted, such as every page having a corresponding picture and the overall design to be simple.

The main idea of the table of contents is - like the whole magazine after all - our originality and simplicity combined with elegance. That is why we chose a similar font to the one on the cover-line in order to present the actual table of contents, while the rectangles are meant to be photos regarding their own titles written on the lines next to them, to which titles to the magazine articles will be given as well as the page number - all written in a simple font. Obviously, the photos will all be ones from our next photoshoots.


As for the double spread, we decided on a really simple way of doing it. We wanted to still have the freedom of choosing sing colours and certain fonts once we will start editing our magazine, so we decided on our double spread 'editorial' to only either be surrounded by a frame similar to the one I analysed in my L'officiel magazine, or to leave the picture on the entire page, just like the Bazaar editorial that I analysed.

Finally, after doing all the sketches and all the thinking, our masthead is done also virtually. The rest of the magazine we will do once the photoshoots are done, as this will give us more freedom to experiment with colours, positioning of photos and what goes with the photos we will take.

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